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Servicing & Restoration

Our team of skilled engineers are now available for complete restoration as well as servicing. Here at Blakes & Taylors we aim to reuse components before replacing them. All units we receive for renovation undergo inspection to identify parts that can be refurbished. We do this to reduce our impact on the environment and save our clients money.

Our service packages are designed around you covering everything from replacing perishable spares and carrying out a basic service to a full restoration. Call us now to discuss your project on +44 (0)1489 885401

Electric Conversion

We now offer Blakes Electric Conversion available on all current models. This allows you to discharge your toilet at the push of a button! Not loosing our classic design, we are able to make small alterations to the system to accommodate the conversion. This can be done on both new toilets and also retro fitted to existing ones.